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New rules for UK citizens travelling to Spain

March 29, 2021
On 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom officially left the European Union. However, until the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020, travel and immigration rules remained the same. Now that the transition period has ended, Britons no…

BREXIT: New 2-STEP Procedure to Obtain Residency for British nationals

July 9, 2020
Spain is introducing a new 2-step procedure to obtain residency certificates for UK Nationals who wish to reside in Spain post-Brexit. The Withdrawal Agreement between UK and EU sets a transitional period until 31 December 2020, until which UK citizens…

Residence of the British nationals in Spain after 31 January 2020

January 29, 2020
Brexit is finally taking place at midnight CET (11pm on Greenwich) this Friday 31 January 2020. What will happen to your residence as a British citizen in Spain now? The Withdrawal Agreement validated by the European Parliament today leaves it…

Catalonia Update: British Investment Continues Despite Political Uncertainty

November 30, 2017
During the last weeks we have been receiving many enquiries from our British business clients (and to the same extent, from other countries as well) expressing concerns over the political situation in Barcelona and how it may affect their businesses.